PING PONG POWER in Folkets Park

by | 2023-01-03 | EC news

After the Christmas holidays, 27-30 th of December, the next stop of PONG PONG POWER Malmö took place, this time in Folkets Park (the peoples park), located downtown in Sweden’s third largest city, Malmö.

PING PONG POWER Malmö started during the summer of 2022 with activities on the famous beach “Ribban”, as a part of the city project “Big Five” and as a part of the program at Malmöfestivalen. During the autumn the activities continued in libraries and now it was time for another stop outdoors – Folkets Park in Malmö.

– This is a very positive initiative from the city of Malmö with Lina Härle in the lead. It is a bit different to play outside but we were very fortunate with the weather that lead to a lot of people visiting both in the park and on the ice skating rink next to us, says Eskil Tyrberg, PING PONG POWER Malmö manager.

Many people wanted to try table tennis in Folkets Park, Malmö.

Approximately 800 persons tried table tennis during the 20 hours the four tables stood at the deck next to the well known Moriska Paviljongen.

– It was a pleasure to see the mix of old gentleman, young kids and people from all over the world. When we were about to close down the first day, and old Italian women wanted to stay and play. It ended with me standing playing counter forehand loop with her for 20-30 minutes – it was great fin, continues Eskil.

Kajsa Tillgren and Hugo Törngren, PING PONG POWER-co-workers.

Diligent co-workers were table tennis players Hugo Törngren, Kajsa Tillgren and Emilia Persson, all in their 20s.

– A nice thing that happened was a boy, 7-8 years old, that came every day. The last day he came to play around lunch time, without hitting the table and mostly away to bring the ball, he came to me after a while and asked: “where is Hugo?”. Table tennis fun as its best, concludes Eskil.

PING PONG POWER Malmö continues with activities during spring break together with the city of Malmö’s “Kul i Malmö” where PING PONG POWER together with the local club Limhamns BTK invites everyone to try table tennis. When the spring arrives the plan in also to continue with visits at libraries and on retirement homes.

More pictures from PING PONG POWER Malmö in Folkets Park.


Photo: Linda Carlsson